Forestview Public School

School name:
Forestview Public School

City, Province:
Niagara Falls, Ontario

Project Summary:

The grade 8 class spent two sessions reflecting on their own personal self and what was important to them. The class came up with multiple issues that were important and then voted. The three topics we addressed were mental health, sexual assault awareness, and physical health.

The Mental Health group focused on students feeling good, having confidence, and being inspired. This was done by having “Spot Light” days  for each class in the school. Teachers wrote statements about their class that were shared over the announcements and each student was given a positive affirmation on their “Spot Light” day during the month of May/June.


Primary Classes: You are awesome

Junior: Be brave, even when you’re scared

Intermediate: Embrace every challenge as an opportunity for growth

The Sexual Assault Awareness group focused on the importance of speaking up and being able to say “No” and that no is a complete sentence. The group wants youth to feel empowered to be able to say it and remind other youth to respect the word no in all